Just as with our last anatomy class, I felt stunned at the end of our last physiology class yesterday. I knew this was our last class meeting; it's right there in my calendar, so there was no reason for surprise on my part. But surprised I was. Or maybe just sad. ::sigh:: I'm going to miss this class, too.
Above is my heart drawing for this class, completed in December. Physiology lectures have ended, but I'll be studying my notes for months to come; first for our two written exams at IMI (the Basic Exam in April, and the Therapeutic Exam in May), and then for the national certification exam.
Lecture class continues through March with two pathology lectures followed by two business lectures.
I complete my clinic hours in mid-March.
I have two electives yet to complete: Torso Techniques in early March, and Mind-Body Medicine in late April.
Hands-On class continues through mid-May, and graduation is on June 1.
Okay, so I said that I'll miss my anatomy and physiology classes, and it's true, but... I'm almost finished! Woo hoo!