To my faithful few followers: I am officially pulling the plug on the blogging of "The Story." The story hasn't been terribly plugged-in at ChrysCrossing anyway, so from your perspective, nothing much will change. From my perspective, the story is a book, the book is in the making, and the making is taking on a life of its own.
I received two revelations of late. The first came during a 10-day silent meditation retreat last May. While meditating alone in my room, I received a vision of the book as a whole, something I'd been lacking all along. Immediately after the vision came the opening lines of the first two chapters. Plopped in my lap, just like that, word for word. Unfortunately, one of the retreat rules was No Writing. Fortunately, I break rules. Alone in my room, I pulled a pen and a notebook from my purse, and I wrote the words down. Gasp! I know, right? I'm such a rebel.
The second revelation, which came a few weeks later, was not about the book itself but about my relationship with the book. Ah, relationships. Suffice it to say, the revelation demanded that I divorce the story from this blog.
So, while the book is taking shape in the hands of a rebellious wielder of pens, I'll see if I can stop by here from time to time to share tidbits and tales from this gal's daily life. If I am yet and again silent here for long stretches of time, it's because the book is a jealous and demanding sonamabeets.
Thanks for your patience, my friends. Na'maste kala.
I received two revelations of late. The first came during a 10-day silent meditation retreat last May. While meditating alone in my room, I received a vision of the book as a whole, something I'd been lacking all along. Immediately after the vision came the opening lines of the first two chapters. Plopped in my lap, just like that, word for word. Unfortunately, one of the retreat rules was No Writing. Fortunately, I break rules. Alone in my room, I pulled a pen and a notebook from my purse, and I wrote the words down. Gasp! I know, right? I'm such a rebel.
When heaven gives you a gift, you best shut up and receive it.
The second revelation, which came a few weeks later, was not about the book itself but about my relationship with the book. Ah, relationships. Suffice it to say, the revelation demanded that I divorce the story from this blog.
When heaven tells you to do something, you best shut up and do it.
So, while the book is taking shape in the hands of a rebellious wielder of pens, I'll see if I can stop by here from time to time to share tidbits and tales from this gal's daily life. If I am yet and again silent here for long stretches of time, it's because the book is a jealous and demanding sonamabeets.
Thanks for your patience, my friends. Na'maste kala.