Thursday, January 10, 2008

Elective: Hot Rocks


...and receiving.


Anonymous said...

Are those muscles I see in your forearms?! One nice by-product of massage school! Let's here some work stories....I'm sure you've met some interesting bookworms???

Chrysoula said...

Muscles? Forearms? Wait, lemme see. ::pulls up sleeves:: By Jove, those are muscles! I don't know that it's due to massage, though, because 1) my muscles have always been fairly well toned, they've simply been hiding under layers of fat, and 2) we're trained to use primarily our lower bodies in massage, keeping shoulders relaxed, using arms and hands for leverage and contact; we lean more than knead. Anyway, thanks for noticing. Woo hoo for muscles! Muscles are wonderful creatures.

Come to think of it, even when I was otherwise sedentary, my forearms were nearly always busy: Needlework, crochet, typing, writing, guitar (ca1978-90), flute, recorder, tin whistle, piano/keyboard, clarinet (for, like, two months), internet dating...

Kidding! I've not resorted to internet dating.



james & victoria said...

Hey Chryso!
I hadnt seen you releasing books on bookcrossing lately (yes you are still on my notification list even though I moved from Berkley to Bay City) but there isnt an option to PM you via BC so I followed your profile to this site. Gee you've had a rough year with your 4 (or more?) bumps havent you?. No wonder you havent been up to releasing books. I was going to let you know about a book website my brother in law (husband of Popsie!) just launched called "booktagger" which is very cool if you are still into books (seems like you are busy with your massage therapy right now though).
Just FYI and hoping 2008 is a better year for you.
Kindest regards
fellow bookcrosser 'SisterOfPopsie'

BTW I met my husband on internet dating so don't write it off as an option for the future when you're up for it!!!