Thursday, April 05, 2007

Starting Over & Over Again

Hurray for new beginnings, I always say. Spring is in the air (actually, snow flurries and high winds are in the air, but in Michigan, that is spring). It's spring, and it's nearly sunrise, and I am renewing this blog, and I am... renewing.

Simplify, simplify. My focus here is "A Day in the Life." That's it.

(Photo by Yours Truly, my backyard, 2005.)


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful photo!

Chrysoula said...

Thanks! That's the one I snapped from my car in the driveway with my cell phone camera. The butterfly bush is coming back, by the by. She won't be mammoth this year, but I expect health and flowers! :)

Anonymous said...

That is good news indeed.

That is indeed good news.

Indeed! That is good news!


Lyn (lurking as "anonymous" again)

Chrysoula said...

Dear Anonymous Lyn,

You crack me up, you do.

You! You do crack me up.

Crack, you! You do me up!

(Um. Guess I don't quite have the hang of it, huh.)