This is my skeleton for anatomy class. (He's not half the man he used to be, heh.) I call him Emmanuel, and I shall dress him in muscles of clay.
In class last night, our anatomy teacher, Garry Adkins, told us that the best way to learn about muscles is to feel them. He encouraged us to touch ourselves. Often. Some students snickered, but not me. So serious and diligent a student am I, so devoted to my studies, that I immediately obeyed my teacher.
Biceps, silly. I was feeling my biceps.
I've always wondered how my doctor can determine which organ is where, what size, and whether anything is amiss just by pressing on my abdomen. I'm beginning to understand now. Books and models help, but the learning is in the hands. Learning occurs when my hands recognize what my mind expects to find. Touch meets imagination. Glory! It's amazing.
Feeling your own biceps probably doesn't leave you awestruck. However, to feel your biceps and, eyes closed, follow it down to the point of insertion, to feel the place where the muscle narrows and the tendon connects to your bone, well. I don't know about you, but having lived in this body for over 40 years, I am amazed to have met a part of me that I had never met before.
The mind cannot forget what the hands have learned.
-- Jon Zahourek
Mmmmmhmph....you have really set the pace for your blog. We'll be expecting this wealth of wit and laughs everyday....no pressure! Honestly, I love it!
yay! isn't it so amazing? i was feeling myself when i had anatomy lab too. touching knobs on my bones and knowing their names, pretty sweet. :-)
Howdy, Taz! Every day?! LOL! Please note the dates of my previous posts. You can expect a "wealth of wit and laughs," but you'll get it once a month. :P Thanks for stopping by!
* * * (<-- for Lyn)
Yay, Stephers! Hurray for bones and muscles and feeling ourselves! My sternocleidomastoids are still my favorite. I touch them and smile every day. Matter of fact, just this morning I flexed my SCM while shrugging and could see the clavicular point of insertion, wee! (Okay. I don't know if "clavicular" is a word. I made it up.)
Aw, thanks, Chrys, for the ***. You know...that thing-a-ma-jig.
"anonymous said" and then signed by Lyn. LOL!!! Not so anonymous, eh?
Lyn/anonymous/Zippy/Loonicles/and so on
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