Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Letting Go, Part I

What was that I wrote in my profile about letting go? Did I say I'd let go "graciously?" Right. You should see me sifting through 25-30 years of memories (i.e., things), trying to decide what to keep and what to let go. My spirit is content to let it all go, but my hands are clinging like a stubborn child. Gracious, my eye.

I need my books, I can't get rid of my books. And my DVDs and CDs, my stereo, my rocking chair and footstool, my fountain pens of course, and all my paper journals, my desk, and golly I worked so hard refinishing my bedroom furniture twenty years ago...

This is me, beginning at 0:43, except that I can't carry everything I want to keep. And I'm not yelling. And my pants are pulled up. Other than that, this is me:

Fortunately, whether I keep or let go of my things, my departure date will come all the same. And I will take nothing but one suitcase. And a carry-on. And my purse. And that's all.


Elisa (AKA scrapcat) said...

Great clip! I quote that all the time. Dinner soon? Maybe some festive fun?

Chrysoula said...

Hey Elisa, thanks! Dinner would be great, but between preparations for my trip *and* packing to leave my house forever (!), I'm swamped. Are you free on Dec 16? We're thinking of having an informal gathering at some spot or other local to Royal Oak. I'll let you know the details asap.