Friday, January 13, 2012


My stay in Athens did not work out as I had hoped, but that's okay. I have a way of spinning disappointments into gold. Today has been an absolute delight. My day started with breakfast at my hotel:

Strolling and shopping in Piraeus...

Koulouras! This is the first koulouras I've seen since 1977. Golly, when I was a child, the koulouras did not sit down. He walked up and down the streets with the koulouria on a stick. Well, it's been thirty five years, I guess he's tired. ;)

Beggars abound in Piraeus. I felt compelled to photograph this woman. Whereas most beggars stood or sat along walls and curbs, this woman plopped herself in the middle of the sidewalk with her legs crumpled beneath her, as if to say, "Notice me, dammit!" And so I did.


Clearly, this driver took lessons from Mr. Bean.
Interesting juxtaposition.


Elisa (AKA scrapcat) said...

Great eye! Enjoying the pics! We'll save you some snow :)

Vicky said...

Oh Wow, I loved koulouria with feta cheese....... then at some pt. the crispy, crunchy wonderful outer part of the koulouri was suddenly baked differently and was softer & the inside mushier! Hope yours was the good kind with LOTS of sesame seeds! : ) Great pics ! & like you said, when you get lemons, make a lemonatha, Opa ! Keep smilin' Cuz'n xoxo

Chrysoula said...

Thanks, Elisa! Yeah, you save me some snow, and I'll bring you some Mediterranean sun. It's 59F today. :P

Vicky, believe it or not, I haven't had a koulouri yet. I had just eaten when I saw the koulouras in the photo, so I didn't buy one. I'll be so sad if they're not baked like they used to be. Softer and mushier, sounds like a sesame version of a soft pretzel. Ew. But yay for lemonatha! Haha! Absolutely! :)