Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Happy Birthday, Daddy. Thank you for the gift of life and for the gift of your stories.

Notes: Socrates in Greek is Σωκράτης, pronounced soh-KRAH-teess, or soh-KRAH-tee.

In the story, my father says that Socrates was found by Theia Anastasia and her family. That is the same Theia Anastasia who appears in the photo at the bottom of my post, Sky.

The family photo in the video above was taken in Asia Minor, before my father was born. The woman standing in the photo is my father's mother, Victoria Eugenides Hatzilias. Her first cousin (not pictured), Georges Eugenides, is Jeffery Eugenides's paternal grandfather. If you've read Eugenides's Middlesex, you will recall the story of Cal's grandparents fleeing Asia Minor. That is the same event in which Socrates's story takes place. Except this story is not fiction; is true story.

May the memory of my father Christos and of his brother Socrates be eternal, and may their souls rest in peace.


Carol said...

Oh my Chrys! How beautiful! Simply beautiful.

Chrysoula said...

Thank you, Carol! :)