I was exploring maps of Artemis, Greece, where two of my daughters and my niece are currently visiting. Until I panned out in Google maps, I had no idea Artemis was so close to the airport in Athens. Seems Artemis is approximately 3 miles from the northeastern corner of the airport.
Inkster, where I grew up and where my parents still live, is about 5-6 miles from the northeast corner of Detroit Metropolitan Airport.
Artemis & Inkster -- their people, languages, cultures, climate, landscape -- may have little in common, but take a look at these satellite photos from Google maps. Artemis & Inkster are the red "A" pointers on each map, with Artemis on the left and Inkster on the right:

Click on the photo for a larger view.
Inkster, where I grew up and where my parents still live, is about 5-6 miles from the northeast corner of Detroit Metropolitan Airport.
Artemis & Inkster -- their people, languages, cultures, climate, landscape -- may have little in common, but take a look at these satellite photos from Google maps. Artemis & Inkster are the red "A" pointers on each map, with Artemis on the left and Inkster on the right:

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