Sunday, June 01, 2008

To Be or Not to Be ...Employed

On Friday, May 23, the bookstore let me know that Saturday the 24th was my last day on the schedule for who-knows how long. You're still employed here, they said, we just don't have any hours to give you. So, technically speaking, I still have a job, but practically speaking, I've been unemployed for a week.

I was really upset at first.

But then I spent an entire day in my garden. First time this year. Glory! What a happy, happy day. I looked around at the overgrowth, weeds, and general brokenness and, instead of (or in spite of) feeling heavy-hearted over the loss of my garden's former beauty, instead of pitying myself for the gardening hours I won't have when I go back to work, I told myself, Pick a spot. Just choose one spot, sit, and tend.

I sat in the center garden and began the tedious job of pulling the tall grasses, a few skinny blades at a time, that had sprung up amidst the thyme and periwinkle. In light of all the work that needed to be done, this grass-pulling was a drop in the bucket... the most luscious drop I'd ever tasted.

Hello, sun! Hello, dirt! Hello, opportunity to garden till sundown! It was my bestest gardening day ever. I need a job, but I am so grateful for this time off.


Yesterday, I received the job list from IMI's placement director. It's a list of 67 job opportunities in the metro Detroit area, 30 of which are in Oakland County. Of those, I highlighted four jobs that most interest me, one of which tugged at my shirt sleeve, saying, Pick me! Pick me!

I'll start sending resumes tomorrow. Today, I graduate.

Six o'clock this evening, Silver Garden Shriner's Center in Southfield.


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