Saturday, December 17, 2011

Destination: Greece

I will arrive in Athens early in January where I will spend about six days visiting three generations of relatives, some of whom I’ve not seen in thirty-four years, some of whom I’ve never met. I am very excited to spend time with my family, and I’m sure six days will pass far too quickly.  

Around mid-January, I will embark on a nine-hour ferry trip to Crete, and I will make my way to the village of Maroulas, near Rethymno. There, I will live and work for about six weeks with Marianna, collector and preserver of the age-old skills and practice of herbal medicine.  

Marianna grows and gathers herbs on the unpolluted mountain. Using traditional methods and the Mediterranean Sun, she produces essential oils and herbal teas, which she sells at her quaint shop, Marianna's Workshop, in Maroulas. Marianna works closely with physicians, exchanging ideas and working together for the sake of natural health and well being.

I found Marianna on, an online cultural exchange where hosts invite volunteer helpers to work with them in exchange for food and accommodation. I first visited HelpX last July, simply curious to see what types of work situations were available in Greece. When I read Marianna’s listing, I immediately paid the HelpX fee (a modest $29 for two years) so that I could contact her. Since I didn’t know yet whether or when I could come to Greece, I wrote to Marianna simply to introduce myself and to express my interest in her work. Marianna responded with a warm greeting and an open invitation. I began making arrangements as soon as I was able.

I sought blessings for my trip from my daughters, my mother, my sister, and my brother. My daughters and siblings offered enthusiastic support of my plans. My mother offered these words: “You crazy! What’s a’ matter with you?”

Mom's right. I am crazy. And happy. And free. And... packing my suitcase!


Anonymous said...

Yay! Beautiful pictures of Marianna's shop and of her collecting herbs! I know you are going to love working with her, it seems like such a happy place! :)

Anonymous said...

I just read through several of your most recent are truly embarking on an adventure, whether you see it as that or not. I can't wait to hear of your travels and epiphanies. You are sure to have millions along the way. Travel safely my friend. I will miss you.

Chrysoula said...

My pondering Greek goddess, YOU are a happy place! Your enthusiasm and optimism are infectious. You've been that way since you were a little girl.

Michelle, I do see it as an adventure, definitely! Thanks for your support and encouragement. I miss you already!