Thursday, May 15, 2008


Yes, my classes ended last week, but I had a couple of loose ends to tie up. Today, I went to IMI and tied up my last loose end! Woo hoo!

I went upstairs to peek in at my old classroom. (Old? Ha. I was just there last week.) There was our room, full of new faces, new students on their first day of Hands-On class. There was Deb who spotted me and laughed as she headed over for hugs, accusing me of not being able to stay away. Who, me?

And there was Randy at the head of the room, frantically preparing to begin class. Mind you, "frantic" for Randy means turning from Point A to Point B with papers in his hand that he then sets down at Point C. When he's really frantic, he holds his fingers up as if checking the direction of the non-wind, smiles, and says, It's okay. And, sure enough, everything is okay.

I am so lucky to have had IMI's best for hands-on instruction! Thank you, Randy and Deb. And thanks to Annette and Cindy, our esteemed apprentices. I couldn't have asked for a better team.

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