Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Once upon a time on Mount Pelion, somewhere between Katichori and Makrinitsa, I came upon an entrance to a wood. I entered and walked along the path. I wandered, diverted, stopped, sat, bent, climbed, looped, and circled. I had no other goal but to be there, to explore, and to enjoy.

Scattered beams of sunshine breaking through a tangled web of tall tree branches, chirping birds, a brook rushing over rocks, a wooden bridge, fallen leaves, melting snow. Who would have thought Mount Pelion could look so much like Michigan?

I'm leaving Greece in two days. Two days! Where have I been and why haven't I been blogging? I've been wandering, sifting, sorting, circling, taking it all in, and taking notes.

What difference does it make whether I tell my stories in chronological order, from Europe, as they happen (too late!), or if I tell them to you from Michigan after the fact? Come, join me on a nonlinear walk like the one I took on Pelion, riding tangents without apology, daydreaming with abandon, melting into the past, sneaking into the future, and barely recognizing where we are.

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