Thursday, June 07, 2007

One Fine Day in Court...

(Divorce court, if you didn't already know.) Our settlement conference was this morning. It was quite uneventful. The judge says this, the attorney says that, Dave and I nod, blah blah, the final hearing is set for mid-August, and ::poof::, it's over. Ten minutes. We were out of there in ten minutes, for goodness sake. Not that I'm complaining -- quick is good -- and I wasn't expecting Judge Mathis or anything, but, golly. It was all I could do to keep from asking the judge to bang her gavel just once, just for me. :-P

I have Hands-on class tonight. (Hands-on = give massage, get massage. Every week, woo hoo!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hard to imagine what took 20+ years to build is over in 10 minutes. But then again, it's never really over, is it? It's part of who you are and what you've become.